Vinyasa Flow
STARTS TERM 2 - Monday 7pm with Silke M
Service Description
Mon 07pm - 8.15pm Start the week with strengthening your body and calming your mind. Asanas (Yoga postures) follow one another in a not too fast flow, to strengthen and stretch your body and like that finding the most nourishing balance and peace of mind. This class is suitable for all levels and humans from any walk of life and with any or no experience in yoga are welcome. INVESTMENT We don’t want anyone to miss out, so we offer 3 tires, and 10 times passes - please see what suits you best. $20 Standard Class $180 10times pass (valid one year) $15 Students/hardship $130 10times pass (valid one year) $25 anyone living in abundance at the moment and would love to support student/hardship tickets $220 10 times pass (valid one year) Drop in class - no booking necessary! First class to try - $5 …just come and wear something comfy…we’ve got the rest! Any questions, please get in touch with Silke:
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
208 Heretaunga Street East, Hastings, New Zealand